Why grocery store display items for sale after the cashier area by the exit?


Like once I’m done paying for my stuff on my way out I can see something I would buy and go back in to pay for it? Sounds stupid. What I’m I missing about this marketing strategy?

In: 5163

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve worked in the grocery business for over 30 years, both in the store and in the office. I’ve spent the last twenty of those years in marketing. Firat, every retailer is different. Second, each retailer has many formats, some of them very old. We have one store that is well over 100 years old and things change, so what made sense when you build a store might be obsolete. For example, all our stores used to have photo developing and VHS rentals. That space needs to be repurposed. To answer your question, Basically, it’s stores trying to maximize their sales area. The majority of those things in those secondary display areas are paid for by CPGs, so it’s revenue for the retailer if they can find more spots to put stuff. A shipper of stuffing can fit just about anywhere, but big, bulk pack products can only fit in large spaces.

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