Why grocery store display items for sale after the cashier area by the exit?


Like once I’m done paying for my stuff on my way out I can see something I would buy and go back in to pay for it? Sounds stupid. What I’m I missing about this marketing strategy?

In: 5163

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s for heavy basics like ice, cases of water, firewood, etc. They’re inexpensive in case they are stolen and hard to steal anyway. People know they need to buy them and tell the cashier, who will either have a code or something to scan behind their register. “I’ll have 2 bags of ice please.” The cashier rings it up, and then either a courtesy clerk fetches it for them or the customer grabs it on the way out.

Since they’re usually heavy, they want the customer to have the option of asking the cashier or courtesy clerk to grab them, rather than expecting elderly customers or whatever to break their backs trying to pick them up in the aisles. And do you want people picking up bags of ice then having them meander through the store for an hour? It would melt, leaving a hazard and causing them to freak out and demand another bag.

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