Why grocery store display items for sale after the cashier area by the exit?


Like once I’m done paying for my stuff on my way out I can see something I would buy and go back in to pay for it? Sounds stupid. What I’m I missing about this marketing strategy?

In: 5163

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If it can be seen on the way out, it can probably be seen on the way in, too. The store I shop at is famous for great BOGO deals, and they have bins of the buy-one-get-one-free items near the entrance, but the same stuff is also on the regular shelves. If the variety of the peanut butter soup or pasta or whatever of the BOGO brand isn’t in the bin, chances are there are still items on the shelf.

Also, if you’re at the register and see something you need, you can ask the cashier for it. They’ll get it or send a bagger.

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