Why grocery store display items for sale after the cashier area by the exit?


Like once I’m done paying for my stuff on my way out I can see something I would buy and go back in to pay for it? Sounds stupid. What I’m I missing about this marketing strategy?

In: 5163

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Typically its for heavy stuff that noone in their right mind is gonna try and shoplift. Like… you’re never going to try and shove a 10kg bag of water softener salt down your pants like you would a Twix, ya know?

Most of that stuff the cashiers have little barcode cards and you just say “oh and add two bags of rock salt” and you sling it on your cart on the way out the door. Saves you from having to push 20kg of salt around the whole damn store.

And the 10kg bad is like $7 anyways. If some idiot does scarper with a bag they’re like “whose dumb enough to steal water softener salt?” laugh, shake their heads and add $7 to the LOSS list for the month. Guarantee they lose 10x more than that from people shoving steaks down their pants.

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