Why heaters are placed near windows?


Why heaters are placed near windows?

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Oo I know this one!

It’s because of the pandemic. No, not that one, the 1918 flu pandemic.

As the 1918 flu pandemic raged, people looked around for something, anything to help protect themselves from the disease. Some people came across an idea from the late 1800s called “The Fresh Air Movement”. The basic idea was that stale air put you at risk of catching disease and that the best way to prevent disease was to spend your time outdoors or in well ventilated rooms. That meant, keeping your windows open, no matter what.

Buildings built after the pandemic were frequently designed to have the windows open all the time, and one of the ways open windows were accommodated was by placing the radiator directly below the window where it could heat the cold air coming in from outside.

Eventually, under the window just became where the radiator went.

Some more info here


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