Why/How did the Bohemian ethnic group become essentially synonymous with “hippies” and a certain aesthetic? Are Gypsy, Romany, and Bohemian terms for the same group?


Why/How did the Bohemian ethnic group become essentially synonymous with “hippies” and a certain aesthetic? Are Gypsy, Romany, and Bohemian terms for the same group?

In: Culture

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thank you to everyone for the answers! As I stated in another comment here too, I had no idea the word was offensive and will be sure not to use it anymore.

One side of my family is Bohemian and I am trying to learn more about the history. I know that they came over in the late 1800’s. I honestly don’t know much beyond that and am looking into it more. I also want to learn more because I have met a couple people who don’t think Bohemian is a valid way to identify because (and I quote a classmate from college) “they don’t have a country so how can your family be from there?” To be fair she really wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box… Anyway…

In doing research, a lot of words are used interchangeably that really shouldn’t be and I am trying to separate them all out. So that is again for all of the help!

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