Why in online games ping of 100 is stuttery but stable yet crossing line of 150 just produces unpredictable outcomes like characters teleporting?


Why in online games ping of 100 is stuttery but stable yet crossing line of 150 just produces unpredictable outcomes like characters teleporting?

In: Technology

5 Answers

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This has to do with how the game processes things when it doesn’t hear from the server for awhile.

The game server is the ultimate authority on what the state of the game is. Your console or computer may try to update it’s idea of what’s going on in the game even when it doesn’t hear from the server. When it does hear back, your computer has to update the game to match what the server says, even if it doesn’t make sense.

Imagine you are fighting a boss and the boss charges at you, and then your computer stops receiving messages from the server for half a second. During that time, another player hits the boss, but your computer didn’t know about that because it missed the server message.

Your computer thinks the boss continued charging forwards, but the server decided that the boss got stunned by the other player’s attack. When the server finally gets back to your computer, it seems that the boss teleports! This is just one example of how things could go wrong when the server can’t reach your computer for even half a second. There are many many possibilities.

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