: why in racing car the wheel is never in the middle ?


So I just watch Ford v Ferrari (was really cool, loved Bale in it) and I was wondering why is the wheel not in the middle, like wouldn’t be better for the balance or the visibility ? (Sorry if I made some typos I’m french)

In: Engineering

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of race cars do have the seat in the center of the car such as Formula 1 and F2, F3, F4, Indy cars, Sprint cars (dirt oval cars).
The cars in Ford v Ferrari are sports cars which are road cars built to go fast and therefore have the drivers seat in the traditional place for road cars, at Le Mans there is a rule that there has to be a passenger seat.

The cars in the film are road that are racing while other race cars with center seats are built to only race not to be on the road.

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