: why in racing car the wheel is never in the middle ?


So I just watch Ford v Ferrari (was really cool, loved Bale in it) and I was wondering why is the wheel not in the middle, like wouldn’t be better for the balance or the visibility ? (Sorry if I made some typos I’m french)

In: Engineering

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Good question!

Every racing series has its own set of rules. The rules for the series that governed those cars required that a car be able to seat two people side by side, just like a normal road car. The second seat wasn’t actually there, and it would have needed a very patient person to sit there, but the rules were that way.

Those rules still apply today to the cars that run at Le Mans. Those cars are sports car prototypes, supposedly able to be used as street cars, but of course the only thing remotely like a street car is that rule about having two seats.

Note that the driver usually sits on the right, because most of the turns are to the right, and having the driver on the right improves the weight balance for right-hand turns.

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