Why is 8÷2(2+2) = 1?


My thought process: if I had 8÷(4+4) = 1 and factored out a 2, I get 8÷2(2+2) = 1. However, if I say 2(2+2) = 2*(2+2), then 8÷2(2+2) = 8÷2*(2+2) = 1, BUT 8÷2*(2+2) = 16.
Please help I’m feeling dumber by the second

In: Mathematics

20 Answers

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The important thing here is that 2(2+2) is touching which means that whole thing is to be interpreted as one number, unlike 2 (2+2), which is ambiguous. With that established we can rewrite the equation to look something like this:


_______ = 1


You simplify the denominator to be 8 and the whole thing becomes 8/8 = 1.

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