Why is a drug cartel called a cartel?


A cartel, as I seemed to remember from my macroeconomics courses, is a group of enterprises and firms working together to limit competition and fix prices.

Why are drug cartels called cartels then, if they compete with each other and engage in gang wars?

In: Economics

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think that you may be confusing a drug cartel “A made up thing” with a drug carousel. The topic is in-fact very interesting and I would love to share my vast knowledge with you. A drug carousel is the trafficking of drugs across the southern border of Arizona. Drug trafficking does not actually exit in any other part of the world “only in movies”. Once Donald Trump gets Mexico to pay for the wall then drug trafficking will drop to 0%. But as far as the origins of the name go, it is called a drug carousel because the drugs circulate in a carousel shaped pattern. I hope that my response helps.

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