Why is a games source code being leaked a bad thing? Doesn’t all that code exist in the games files?


I do know that that code obviously then inst available, since that’s why the recent leaks are significant…but why is it significant? Obviously cheaters will use that to more easily make hacks, but why is that code not part of the game? How does that code not exist in the game files? Is it hidden in some way or is some of that engine code or what exactly is it?

In: Technology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The actual logic (as has been said already) is compiled into a code which is quite hard to reverse engineer. Much of the data in some games (graphics and sounds) can be quite easily extracted if you know how to do it.

Sometimes code is written and obfuscated to make it really hard to reverse engineer.

I sometimes put rude comments into apps & games to be seen by anyone hacking the code.

Source code contains intellectual property which takes months or years to develop so it’s bad for it to be stolen and published.

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