Why is a games source code being leaked a bad thing? Doesn’t all that code exist in the games files?


I do know that that code obviously then inst available, since that’s why the recent leaks are significant…but why is it significant? Obviously cheaters will use that to more easily make hacks, but why is that code not part of the game? How does that code not exist in the game files? Is it hidden in some way or is some of that engine code or what exactly is it?

In: Technology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When a developer works on a game typically they’ll be writing the source code. The source code they work on is designed to be human readable and easier to edit. It would normally use english (or whatever other language) words and decimal numbers. Like a line might have something like

if x==10, y = 5;

which is easy to look at understand. If some variable X is equal to 10, then it assigns the variable y a value of 5. You, as a person, can look at that and understand what’s going on, and if you decide you want to look out for when x is equal to 9 instead then you can make that change easily.

The problem is your computer or console or whatever doesn’t read english. ‘If’ doesn’t really mean anything to it, it only speaks in bits and logic gates. So you have to compile the code into something your computer can use. This changes your easily readable source code into more complicated object code that your computer can use as actual instructions. A person could not just glance at object code and figure out what’s happening, and you can’t really go from object code back to source code.

The object code is what normally ships since it’s what the game needs in order to actually work, and this protects the source code. It makes it harder to find exploits because parsing through object code is a nightmare for a person. But if your source code gets out then a person can go look through everything and would have a much easier time figuring out how the game works and finding ways to exploit it.

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