Why is a games source code being leaked a bad thing? Doesn’t all that code exist in the games files?


I do know that that code obviously then inst available, since that’s why the recent leaks are significant…but why is it significant? Obviously cheaters will use that to more easily make hacks, but why is that code not part of the game? How does that code not exist in the game files? Is it hidden in some way or is some of that engine code or what exactly is it?

In: Technology

10 Answers

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You run the source code through a compiles to create the machine code that the program run.

There is no simple way to go backward in some way it is not possible at all because stuff that we use to understand the code is no longer there. An integer name HitPoints is easy to get what ís is but in the compiled code you just know that there is an integer used in a memory location like $85004F3C

You can create code in high-level language from the source code but the name of everything is gone so you have no idea what you look at and what it might do. So to say that it takes 100x longer to understand the code is not a bad initial estimation.

So the source code is like the recipe for a dish with all instruction quite easy to understand and the machine code is the dish itself. You could from the try to understand exactly how it was done but it is a lot harder.

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