Why is A* not used for roombas and other similar vacuums?


Why VSLAM instead of A* or some other optimal algorithm?

In: Mathematics

2 Answers

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You see, those two algorithms have different functions entirely.

VSLAM is used to construct a virtual map of the environment. In other words, it’s used to be able to detect walls, furnitures, and whatnot.

A*, a pathfinding algorithm, is used for just that, pathfinding. It relies on an already existing environment, obstacles, and objectives. The use of pathfinding algorithms is for finding shortest paths with the least amount of computation. For roombas, you really don’t want to follow the shortest path from point A to point B, otherwise you won’t be cleaning much.

Instead, VSLAM is used in tandem with another simple algorithm to make sure the map constructed by VSLAM is all visited by the roomba.

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