Why is acne so hard to get rid of?


As many others, I suffer from acne and, every where I look I seem to get a different answer as to how to fix it? Why is that so? I feel like we should have, by now, an answer to this issue…

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, as a fellow acne-ridden person that has tried to read everything there is, and ask some different doctors about it, I think the biggest issue is that we still don’t know where it comes from. We know exactly what it is, and how to get rid a single pimple, but it is still sort of like aspirin for headaches. It only treats the symptom.

Personally, and most doctors opinions that I have talked to, find a medicine called Isotretinoin (atleast in my country) to have made the biggest progress in fighting acne, derived from A-vitamin. To my knowledge, it is still a bit unclear why it works.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The majority of people with acne are able to “fix” it using the known methods (better hygiene, various products, natural remedies, etc), which is why we usually see people offering “solutions” left right and centre.

However, for people who suffer from *chronic* acne, genetics usually play a much more prominent role, and *no* amount of tonics, creams, face washing or dietary changes will help very much, if at all. For the majority of these people, the acne is a symptom of a hormonal imbalance and is literally created by excess sebum, naturally oily skin or inflamed hair follicles. While some products may still reduce symptoms for certain people, there is *no* actual “cure” for hormonal acne.

Taking steps to get the hormonal imbalance *itself* under control, however can significantly reduce hormonal acne. Talk to your doctor if you suspect you have a hormonal imbalance, and be advised that hormonal imbalances are extremely common.