Why is Australia so overwhelmingly dry when nearby places like Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Tasmania are all so wet and lush?


Why is Australia so overwhelmingly dry when nearby places like Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Tasmania are all so wet and lush?

In: Other

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tasmania is part of Australia, FYI (I’m sure you know this but the way you phrased the question made it unclear).

Tasmania has recently seen one of the hottest days in recorded history at 40.8C (that’s 105.4F). Like Victoria & New South Wales, Tassie has also been affected by fires, like [this](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/video/2019/dec/31/tasmanian-fire-burns-through-the-night-video?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other) one, not far from the state capital, Hobart.

I think some of the images commonly seen on Reddit depict Tassie as mostly rainforest but rainfall varies dramatically across the island state with Hobart the second driest capital city in Australia (after [Adelaide](https://www.discovertasmania.com.au/about/climate-and-weather) ). Even the rainforest in Tasmania has caught fire & burned [this year](https://firecentre.org.au/the-2019-tasmanian-fires-so-far-what-has-burned-and-where/) including swathes of the Wilderness World Heritage Area; pretty scary stuff imo.

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