why is BMI not a good indicator for health?


I have seen on several websites that BMI is not an accurate or reliable way of knowing if someone is healthy. Why is this information suddenly inaccurate?

In: Biology

10 Answers

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A lot of people are talking about calculators for bmi that only take into account height and weight. That is not all that accurate for the reasons they provided. It is an average, that can work for most people, but not everyone and we are all different.

It is worth noting that carrying around huge amounts of muscle mass is not inherently healthy either though. Stress from body building and carrying the weight of lots of muscle mass is not always good for your heart and bones/joints.

Hydrostatic Weighing to determine body fat percentage is actually very accurate and reliable as it does account for muscle. They basically float you in a giant special tank to see how that displaced weight compares to your dry weight and calculate how much of you is fat based in the difference.

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