why is BMI not a good indicator for health?


I have seen on several websites that BMI is not an accurate or reliable way of knowing if someone is healthy. Why is this information suddenly inaccurate?

In: Biology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It only accounts for height and weight and not things like body fat. My friend weighs about 16 stone he is overweight but his brother in-law weighs 17 stone but he is in great health and looks great because his body fat percentage is very low and there is a LOT of muscle. The dude is a bodybuilder.

For everyday average people I think it’s a good guide to go off I think it does apply to most people as an average sort of chart of what is considered healthy and what isn’t.

Everyone’s body is different so you gotta go what how you feel after your workouts and stringent meal planning etc etc

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