Why is bypassing the PIN on a debit card something you can do? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of having a PIN to begin with?


Why is bypassing the PIN on a debit card something you can do? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of having a PIN to begin with?

In: 7068

48 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A debit card is actually two types of cards at the same time, it’s a debit card and a credit card. You need to use your pin for the debit transaction but for credit, in the US, there is no PIN and you can just swipe/insert.

There’s a liability transfer for fraud and a big difference in how the payment is processed, even if it’s invisible to the consumer.

Side note: STOP USING YOUR DEBIT CARD. Get any credit card with anything you want for rewards. Your debit card exposes your bank account and any fraud takes YOUR money. Wouldn’t you rather be spending the banks money and have them figure out the fraud(credit)than need to ask politely for them to give back(debit)? There are many more consumer protections on credit accounts than debit accounts.

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