Why is concentrating/staying focused so difficult, even though it’s something we have to do every day?


Why is concentrating/staying focused so difficult, even though it’s something we have to do every day?

In: Other

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the same way that we all have muscles but some of us go to the gym and develop those muscles so they can use them with ease in any situation while others only use enough muscle to support our bodies. Focus is the same, it’s a skill that we all use but most don’t train to develop it more than is required in our daily lives.

And mindfulness/meditation is how you would train this skill. Meditation isn’t sitting criss-cross apple sauce humming, that’s just one way, the same way that there’s multiple ways to workout, there’s multiple ways to meditate. The goal of meditation isn’t to “clear your mind” and think of nothing. It’s more like, if we were at the beach. There would be tons of people, kids walking around, dogs, the sound of the waves, music, but you’re focused on my and my voice. Everything else is background noise, maybe something catches your attention but you can quickly recenter yourself on me and move the thing that distracted you to the background. Meditation and mindfulness training focuses on that skill when there isn’t active input like moving visual and audio stimulation, but passive static visuals for example and how to recenter yourself when you are the one distracting yourself etc.

So it’s not difficult it’s just that you’ve never trained that skill before so of course you’re not good at it.

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