Why is cow meat red and bloody and chicken meat is not bloody? Does the chicken muscles not have blood?


Why is cow meat red and bloody and chicken meat is not bloody? Does the chicken muscles not have blood?

In: Biology

4 Answers

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As others have said, there isn’t blood in any properly butchered meat product. The thing that makes “red meat”, like cow or ostrich, different from “white meat”, like chicken or pork, is not the presence of blood or the type of animal. Chickens and ostrich are both birds and cows and pigs are both mammals and all of them have blood.

The “red meat” effect is a compound called heme. This is a common organic compound, even some plants produce it. Lots of heme = red meat; less heme = white meat. The vegetable meat substitute people use plant heme to make “impossible” fake ground beef.

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