Why is creamy cheese considered unhealthy but the opposite happens to yoghurt?


What is the difference between the 2 that would make one of them healthy and the other not?

P.S. I know that “healthy” is more complicated than that and not binary, but that’s how people perceive them. Hard cheeses are considered healthier than creamy cheese, but youghurt beats them all.

In: Other

4 Answers

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Cream cheese has a lot of fat in it, especially saturated fat. 1 Tablespoon (14.5 grams) of cream cheese has 5 grams of saturated fat.

1 cup (240 grams) of plain greek yogurt has only 1.3 g of fat, 0.4 g of which is saturated fat. It has 34 grams of protein instead.

For a long time, lots of fat meant unhealthy. The reality is more complicated then that, but equal amounts of cream cheese are going to have a lot more fat, a lot more calories, and a lot more saturated fat.

Now, a lot of yogurts have lots of sugar in them, which is a whole seperate problem, but that’s a whole other topic.

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