why is driving so exhausting?


I can understand that you dont have to make physical effort to feel tired, because I work as a computer programmer and I feel tired after making mental effort, but this effort seems way bigger than the one required to drive, yet, after 4,5 hours of driving I feel way more exhausted than after 8,10 hours of coding.

In: Biology

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you loose focus while coding you may have to start over and make corrections. Plus, you’re earning money.

When you loose focus while driving, lives are at stake- yours; other drivers and auto occupants; animals. It’s time spent between things we have to or want to be doing.

So, though coding is a valuable skill, driving is a greater responsibility, which oddly, ANYONE with a valid drivers license can do; no matter how young or how old.

But, most likely, we’re more tired because of boredom and our lack of control (frustration) in the driving environment. We’d rather be somewhere else.

By listening to an audio book, or podcasts of informative teaching and news; or music that inspires a different mindset we can appreciate the journey while on the way to our destination.

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