why is driving so exhausting?


I can understand that you dont have to make physical effort to feel tired, because I work as a computer programmer and I feel tired after making mental effort, but this effort seems way bigger than the one required to drive, yet, after 4,5 hours of driving I feel way more exhausted than after 8,10 hours of coding.

In: Biology

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s the monotonous motion. Mesmerizing lines,lights, trees, cars trucks vans semis.
The light of the sun flashing through the trees creating a strobe light effect.
The human body isn’t made to sit for long periods.
I like driving in my new truck or my wife’s van but I hate sitting shotgun. The seat sits lower on both vehicles. And me being tall makes my legs hurt in such a way.
That’s why I hate long driving. I love maps, direction roads and map reading without using gps

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