Why is East Asia’s aging population a concern for their respective governments?


Why is East Asia’s aging population a concern for their respective governments?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

basically, you want a stable population or one that is slightly growing.

an aging population implies that your birth rate is declining. so eventually you will have a massive population decline when all the old people die and there’s not enough young people being born. this typically means lower labor, which means a lot of industries that rely on labor may fail or become way more expensive.

next, it also means that many public benefits that are funded from taxation will lose their funding as there are less workers paying the taxes and more old/retired people utilizing the benefits.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is no economic system devised that functions with a declining population, in major part because that’s never really happened in human history outside of temporary disaster scenarios.

Capitalism, socialism, fascism, *everything* currently available fails when the population starts to decline.

Asia is facing (relatively) rapid and completely irreversible population decline due to a lack of young people. This same issue is present in basically every major nation the world over, outside of a very very short list (e.g. the US, France, and Sweden, among others). Put bluntly; the overwhelming majority of developed nations just stopped having kids starting in the ’80s and ’90s. Parts of East Asia went through this earlier.

Thus, East Asia is facing a complete collapse of economic functionality that their governments are reliant on to function in the first place.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is no economic system devised that functions with a declining population, in major part because that’s never really happened in human history outside of temporary disaster scenarios.

Capitalism, socialism, fascism, *everything* currently available fails when the population starts to decline.

Asia is facing (relatively) rapid and completely irreversible population decline due to a lack of young people. This same issue is present in basically every major nation the world over, outside of a very very short list (e.g. the US, France, and Sweden, among others). Put bluntly; the overwhelming majority of developed nations just stopped having kids starting in the ’80s and ’90s. Parts of East Asia went through this earlier.

Thus, East Asia is facing a complete collapse of economic functionality that their governments are reliant on to function in the first place.

Anonymous 0 Comments

basically, you want a stable population or one that is slightly growing.

an aging population implies that your birth rate is declining. so eventually you will have a massive population decline when all the old people die and there’s not enough young people being born. this typically means lower labor, which means a lot of industries that rely on labor may fail or become way more expensive.

next, it also means that many public benefits that are funded from taxation will lose their funding as there are less workers paying the taxes and more old/retired people utilizing the benefits.

Anonymous 0 Comments

East Asia’s aging population is a concern for their respective governments because it means that there will be fewer people in the workforce, meaning less economic growth and fewer taxes collected. It also means that there will be more elderly people who need to be cared for, which puts a strain on government resources. Additionally, fewer people in the workforce could lead to a decrease in innovation and productivity, which could further stifle economic growth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

East Asia’s aging population is a concern for their respective governments because it means that there will be fewer people in the workforce, meaning less economic growth and fewer taxes collected. It also means that there will be more elderly people who need to be cared for, which puts a strain on government resources. Additionally, fewer people in the workforce could lead to a decrease in innovation and productivity, which could further stifle economic growth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Essentially the issue is there will be a time when lots of people are old retired and not working.

These are people who don’t pay taxes because they don’t work. Still need food and stuff. And don’t really produce for society

Meanwhile they don’t have many if any children.

So you have fewer people working but lots of people old taking up hospital space.

It’s also an issue everywhere. Most countries are having less children. The reason it’s a big deal for places like china is they used to have a law in place where parents could only have 1 child. So there is a fear of a massive drop off in population

Anonymous 0 Comments

Essentially the issue is there will be a time when lots of people are old retired and not working.

These are people who don’t pay taxes because they don’t work. Still need food and stuff. And don’t really produce for society

Meanwhile they don’t have many if any children.

So you have fewer people working but lots of people old taking up hospital space.

It’s also an issue everywhere. Most countries are having less children. The reason it’s a big deal for places like china is they used to have a law in place where parents could only have 1 child. So there is a fear of a massive drop off in population