Why is East Asia’s aging population a concern for their respective governments?


Why is East Asia’s aging population a concern for their respective governments?

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8 Answers

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There is no economic system devised that functions with a declining population, in major part because that’s never really happened in human history outside of temporary disaster scenarios.

Capitalism, socialism, fascism, *everything* currently available fails when the population starts to decline.

Asia is facing (relatively) rapid and completely irreversible population decline due to a lack of young people. This same issue is present in basically every major nation the world over, outside of a very very short list (e.g. the US, France, and Sweden, among others). Put bluntly; the overwhelming majority of developed nations just stopped having kids starting in the ’80s and ’90s. Parts of East Asia went through this earlier.

Thus, East Asia is facing a complete collapse of economic functionality that their governments are reliant on to function in the first place.

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