Why is every new movie considered to be the #1 movie in america?


Why is every new movie considered to be the #1 movie in america?

In: 32

13 Answers

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In the old days when films had to printed from the master negatives and were expensive, they would make a hundred to exhibit first at downtown theatres, then suburban, back to the city in the smaller neighborhood ones (called Nabes) and eventually to the rundown 3 or 4 films all day for a buck. While most theatres only had one big room, there were big and small theatres everywhere, in a city you had a choice of over a dozen if you could travel there.

Then they got into making thousands of prints so multiplex theaters could all show the same half dozen movies. Originally the idea was they could show a variety, the theatre wouldn’t be stuck for a month with a turkey, maybe the other rooms would take up the slack, kids could go to this movie while mom saw something else.

Now with digital, they can show the same movie over and over on as many screens as they can sell seats for.

So each week the newest big promoted/anticipated movie is the #1 movie in America and/or the world. Next week the next movie is the biggest.

I kinda miss the old slow roll out. There were many times I saw a movie again because the friends I was with hadn’t seen it yet, stuff I might not have.

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