Why is fog transparent when you are in it but opaque when you are outside it?


Whenever I see some fog, it usually is very opaque when I am far away, like cloud, but when I am it, it’s far more transparent, though obviously visibility is decreased

In: Physics

5 Answers

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Volume. Let’s say one cubic meter of fog reduces the amount of light going through it by 2%, so having one meter of fog between you and, say, a rabid bear would obscure your vision of it by a little, but not a lot. Now, if the density of the fog is consistent throughout the forest you’re in (forgot to mention, you’re in a temperate evergreen forest), then you just by moving your body, you change how much fog is between you and the bear, and how clearly you can see it. Closer to the bear = less fog and more visible light that reaches you. If you’re standing outside the cloud entirely, then whatever is on the other side is going to have to pass through the cloud entirely for you to see it. If there’s enough fog to almost completly block the light, then all you’re going to see is the fog.

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