Why is human memory so unreliable?


Inspired by [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/g2csg5/what_fact_is_ignored_generously/fnlesbi?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) comment by u/squigs, I came here to ask you: Why we can’t remember details of things and, in most of the times, we make up things to fill the gaps on our memory.

Why does our brain do this?

In: Biology

11 Answers

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Our brain remembers impulses, thoughts, and major events quite well. What we often miss out on are details. We fill in these gaps with other information, or what we infer to be true. Often times, this is used by police to suggest that something happened, and then they take the details that were filled in to find the truth of the situation. This amazing ability to “repair” our memories is also it’s greatest weakness, though. By introducing incorrect or extraneous information, our brain fills in the wrong information. We assume this to be correct, and so it is compounded upon until it becomes our new “truth”.

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