– Why is insulin induced hypoglycemia a bad thing ?


It is my understanding that insuline helps the glucose enter the cells.

How is too much insulin a problem, since the glucose goes where it is supposed to go ?

What are the main problems caused by a rush of glucose inside the cells ?

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4 Answers

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The main issue is that there wont be enough glucose in the blood. The brain is very picky. It only wants glucose, it only uses glucose, but at the same time it also wants a certain amount of glucose in the blood 24/7. Too much insulin will just remove it in the blood and give it to muscle and other tissues. Then your brain throws a fit. And in certain situations, this low blood sugar is much worse than any high blood sugar you might get. High blood sugar will lead to ketoacidosis which these days are pretty well managed in the ER, but severe low blood sugar leads to coma.

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