Why is Internet Explorer still around, what kind of applications or businesses still use it?


Pretty much the title

In: Technology

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

IE was around for long enough, and for a long time was the only browser with really solid enterprise support, that a ton of early corporate web applications were written for it and used custom IE functions that aren’t present in any other browser. I used to work somewhere that the entire CRM software was a highly customized version of Siebel and it only worked on IE. You don’t just roll your entire CRM suite without being *really* sure it will work, and the business case to roll it is always terrible…it’s always cheaper to keep IE than to rewrite the software. Eventually you get forced into it when Microsoft sunsets it, but you hold out as long as possible.

For mission critical applications you’re way more concerned about stability that “latest technology”. IE has been really stable for a really long time.

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