why is is still hard to fall asleep when you’re sleep deprived?


why is is still hard to fall asleep when you’re sleep deprived?

In: Biology

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you’ve used up all your regular energy your body produces adrenaline to help keep you going. It can turn into a vicious cycle. I struggled with insomnia as a teenager and ended up having heart palpitations from the amount of adrenaline my body was producing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thoughts. Ever noticed how easy it is to fall asleep with a partner you love being next to? Or when all you care about is how comfortable your bed is after a long day? The consistent factor in falling asleep is focusing on your body’s sensations rather than your thoughts. Overthinking is, in my humble opinion, the leading cause of insomnia.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The same reason that made you sleep deprived in the first place… being nervous or whatever else.