Why is it a practice to water newly laden concrete and not letting it dry out too much? Supposedly this makes it stronger but how?


Why is it a practice to water newly laden concrete and not letting it dry out too much? Supposedly this makes it stronger but how?

In: Engineering

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Water is a key part of the chemical reaction which cures concrete. Curing is also an exothermic process, and the heat can evaporate some of the water from the concrete near exposed surfaces, which can result in concrete which is less strong than if sufficient water is available to fully complete the cure. Concrete should always be kept wet until completely cured.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s my understanding that it keeps it cool. Slowing the curing process. It supposed to prevent overheating and cracking. Since drying is an exothermic reaction.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Curing concrete creates heat.

It’s also evaporating the water out of itself.

Watering the slab prolongs this process resulting in harder concrete.