: Why is it advised to not drink distilled water? And why is distilled water used in machinery like in inverters?


: Why is it advised to not drink distilled water? And why is distilled water used in machinery like in inverters?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Distilled water is not that bad for you, but it is technically worse (effects are small but they’re there). Reasons range from having low osmolarity (zero vs 20-30, which is practically nothing for cells since body osmolarity is around 280-300 mOsm), no trace minerals and micronutrients (deficiency of those and the fact they will migrate out of your body as you urinate the same osmolarity but ingest zero, but this is also meh.. Kinda negligible as you get a lot of this from food although it’s been argued its bad for when you’re actually drinking because it sucks out some minerals from the teeth), and also pH (distilled water has a pH of 7, drinking water is usually slight alkaline but some is acidic so… But anyway, it affects acid-base balance in the body which is negligible but there..). There are also other reasons, I suppose the effects are small but you might notice some detrimental effects after a lifetime of drinking distilled water.

Here’s a nice ref https://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/nutrientschap12.pdf

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