Why is it best for someone with frostbite to warm up slowly?


It seems like the best idea would be to warm them up as quickly as possible, but I’ve heard that’s not the right course of action. Why should you warm them up slowly? And what happens if they warm up too quickly? I’m from the Southeastern US, so I have no experience with extreme cold or frostbite, I’m merely curious

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Weird, now I’m wondering if I believe an urban legend. I was taught it was because frostbite is frozen tissue and ice crystals at a cellular level can cause havoc. So you thaw out the frostbite so it melts rather than having jagged crystals moving. Some cells rupture from water expansion while freezing and without the ability to move anything your body can’t repair or mitigate freezing damage.

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