Why is it called “Getting high”


Is it related to the effect certain drugs have on your body or is there some other reason?

In: Culture

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s pretty much related to feeling in a better or *higher* state compared to how you feel normally.

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that keeps you at that normal/calm state. A deficiency in serotonin can lead to symptoms of depression. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that makes you high/happy. A deficiency in dopamine can lead to symptoms of Parkinson’s.

**(this is wrong, I’m leaving it in for those reading)** Because dopamine is the how you feel “high”, it’s also contributed to the slang “dope” and “doped up”.

Hope this helped!

**EDIT:** Didn’t realize the dopamine/dope slang was wrong. That was something I’ve heard all of my life and I didn’t ever reconsider it.

I know dopamine isn’t the prime reason for feeling high in all situations, there are way more chemicals and substances involved in feeling different things. I was mainly thinking about how dopamine is usually the activator.

Sorry for the false information! Read Earl’s comment for the accurate answer.

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