Why is it cheaper to completely fill your tank in one go than to fill it in small increments over a long period of time?


I don’t know if it’s true but it’s what I have been told by a few different people.

In: Economics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A gallon of gas weighs about 8 pounds. A 15 gallon gas tank @ 1/2 full would save 60 pounds vs a full tank. Or 2% of the weight of a 3000 pound car. If you think this will make a difference, you should really be freaking out if you have passengers in your car. Or if you decide to bring a back pack, or perhaps a long book.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In all reality, it doesn’t matter either way. The amount you save due to lack of vapor space will be offset by other things, and is so miniscule anyways that you wouldn’t be able to measure it without very careful testing.

Don’t constantly run your tank under 1/4 though, as fuel pumps are cooled by the fuel around them, and at 1/4 tank there’s hardly any fuel around them and they will wear out quicker.

Anonymous 0 Comments

it’s not exactly true. if you kept the gas at less than half, you’re carrying a lighter load, thus saving yourself some fuel. and if the gas station is on your way home and you didn’t shut off your engine while pumping, you’ll save a little more.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think it would be because you are using fuel each time you start and drive your car in between the incremental adding of fuel

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not true! If you partially fill your vehicle you are carrying less of a load than if you filled it, and there for your vehicle burns more fuel trying to carry the extra load, costing you more.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It won’t make any difference at the pump, but you’ll waste a lot of gas and time constantly pulling into and out of gas stations. In this regard, I’d say it’s true.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I would also be interested in the myth about regular vs premium. Supposedly the higher octane gets you better bang for your buck, somehow.