Why is it common for religious people to think that God is “up there”? Why is God associated with the sky?


Why is it common for religious people to think that God is “up there”? Why is God associated with the sky?

In: Culture

11 Answers

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To ancient peoples, the “heavens” were populated with Gods (the stars, planets, moon and sun), and they looked down upon mortal men. Various cultures worshiped the Sun, Different constellations of stars, etc. Somewhere along the line, Abraham, decided there was just one God, and it wasn’t any of the ‘heavenly bodies’, but was instead invisible. Because, why not? But he still resided up in the heavens.

The God of Abraham, was passed along to his sons. His son Ishmael from his wife Hagar (who was Egyptian and actually his other wife’s handmaiden) left and that line became patriarch to the Arabs and eventually gave rise to Islam. His sons Jacob and Isaac, from wife Sarah, left and formed Judaism, which also birthed Christianity. Moses is directly descended from Abraham through Isaac.

Both the Koran and the Bible document this to varied degrees.

So our entire concept of God, whether Christian, Muslim or Jew comes from one guy.


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