Why is it harder to stay asleep when you go to bed at an earlier time than your normal bed time (i.e. 7pm rather than 11pm)?


Why is it harder to stay asleep when you go to bed at an earlier time than your normal bed time (i.e. 7pm rather than 11pm)?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your brain loves patterns and expects them, adjusting the whole body function around established ones. Pattern is known and safe so it slowly starts to prep for sleep way before bedtime, anticipating rest but if you go before it may simply be not ready.

This is why sleep hygiene is important.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This would totally explain why everyone wakes up at 6am on Saturday morning if they have to all week.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The ‘sentinel theory’ suggests that humans can train themselves to sleep during a certain time of day because our ancestors would have been preyed upon and only felt comfortable sleeping when others were taking watch. So individuals slept and guarded in shifts instead of collectively sleeping at a certain time.