Why is it harmful to your eyes to look straight at the sun, but looking at the sun indirectly is fine?


When I look directly at the sun, it is harmful to my eyes, but if I look at the sky with the sun in view but not directly, somehow it’s fine?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Someone else already said it.

When you focus your eyes on something it’s like a magnifying glass. Your eyes work by absorbing light and refracting it back. Your brain processes the light rays it took in via your corneas etc and presents an image to your brain of what it saw.

So all vision is, is your eyes constantly taking in all the light in an area to gather a visual image for your brain to interpret.

If you focus an immense direct ray of light at your eyes, it’s the same as aiming the sun at a magnifying lass. You literaly burn through it because light is heat and the sun’s light is an intense heat.

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