Why is it more difficult to pull clothes on when your skin is wet?


Why is it more difficult to pull clothes on when your skin is wet?

In: 2

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The water displaces air. Now pulling the clothes off creates suction (from surface tension and hydrophilic interaction between the water and the fabric/skin).

Taking your wet shirt off while submerged in a pool should be pretty easy! This eliminates the surface tension and thus eliminates the suction. Taking off clothes that are wet but also soapy would do the same!

Anonymous 0 Comments

The water displaces air. Now pulling the clothes off creates suction (from surface tension and hydrophilic interaction between the water and the fabric/skin).

Taking your wet shirt off while submerged in a pool should be pretty easy! This eliminates the surface tension and thus eliminates the suction. Taking off clothes that are wet but also soapy would do the same!

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wet clothes have a tendency to “anchor” themselves to your skin due to their sheer weight. In essence, they create an otherwise air-tight space. It’s easy to pull dry clothes on because air is free to flow underneath

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wet clothes have a tendency to “anchor” themselves to your skin due to their sheer weight. In essence, they create an otherwise air-tight space. It’s easy to pull dry clothes on because air is free to flow underneath

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments
