Why is it much easier to put a ring on a finger than to take it off?


Why is it much easier to put a ring on a finger than to take it off?

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because divorce is a messy process.

But really, I think the main issue for most people is that there is more flesh the closer on the finger you get to the palm. When you try to remove the ring it tends to drag flesh toward the knuckle which forces it outwards, expanding to keep the ring in place. Putting it on from the other side of that knuckle there is less flesh available to move, and being narrower less likely to be pulled along.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fingers are cone shaped, so putting a ring on is easy, but once the ring reaches the hand it kinda pushed the skin and fat above it kinda locking it in, but really if you pull your skin back throw the ring the ring slips right off

Anonymous 0 Comments

When putting the ring on, the meat of your finger is being stretched away from the tip of your finger, so your finger is thinner. When taking the ring off, your skin and muscle is being pulled with it, scrunching it up above the ring. That scrunched-up skin is wider, making the ring harder to take off.

When taking a ring off, try pulling down on your skin at the base of your finger – it’ll be much easier, because your skin won’t scrunch up as much, so it won’t “lock” the ring on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Besides what everyone else have said, throughout the day depending on how much water you drink and sodium you intake, your skin expands and retracts throughout the day. Water weight is real my dude, and fluctuates a lot more in women, who i’m assuming wear more rings than men, due to hormones too. Bodies are weird and that is my final answer

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just the finger shape (if you’re asking this literally and not metaphorically). It’s the reason zip ties work. Your finger is a slightly squishy cylinder that is smaller at one end and becomes wider nearer the knuckle. The ring will slide down it, and over it (although you will feel more pressure at the knuckle). Afterwards, it rests on a smaller part. Then, you have to force it back over the knuckle with no gradual shape leading it there, like if you were to try to force a used zip tie open simply by pulling on it.

Also, there is a muscle that rests between where your ring rests and the knuckle, which, upon being put pressure on, scrunches up near the muscle, as you slide the ring closer. It takes a few moments and some more pressure both up and down and side to side to force that muscle back under the ring.