Why is it necessary to get up after a 2-hour surgery to avoid blood cloths, but lying in bed for 8 hours + sitting still for 8 hours at work is okay?


I was looking at a surgery I am considering. It said that to avoid blood cloths (i think it said in the legs ) they had to get me on the feet fast after. Why is it like that when I can lie in bed all night? Im assuming it is because im “asleep” under the surgery?

(English isn’t my first language, I don’t know the word for that thing they put in you to make you alive but not awake during surgeries)

If it is relevant, it is for a breast lift. But would it be the same case for most surgeries? And then what about leg surgeries where you can’t stand?

Thank you!

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blood clots are caused by three things (this is called Virchow’s triad):

1. Venous stasis: if your blood isn’t moving, it’s more likely to clot. If you’re anesthetized for surgery you move less than if you’re sleeping naturally, and if you’re tired, in pain, or sedated to any degree after surgery you may move less than you would normally unless pushed to move around.
2. Hypercoagulability: surgery is a major stressor on the body and it results in a lot of metabolic changes as well as a pro-inflammatory / pro-coagulability response. So basically, among other changes, your body responds to surgery by making blood clotting happen more easily.
3. Endothelial damage: undamaged blood vessels act to prevent clotting, but when they are damaged they help start clots. Blood vessels can of course be damaged at the site of surgery, but blood vessel damage can also be caused from being under general anesthesia because it can cause veins to relax too much and become distended.

As you can see, there are several ways surgery makes clots more likely, making moving around afterwards (and frequently the use of anti-clotting medications) more important. The anti-clotting medications can of course be used after leg surgeries, but still patients are usually pushed to get up and move (in safe ways) as soon as possible after leg surgeries. Early mobilization is very big in hip and knee replacements.

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