Why is it necessary to get up after a 2-hour surgery to avoid blood cloths, but lying in bed for 8 hours + sitting still for 8 hours at work is okay?


I was looking at a surgery I am considering. It said that to avoid blood cloths (i think it said in the legs ) they had to get me on the feet fast after. Why is it like that when I can lie in bed all night? Im assuming it is because im “asleep” under the surgery?

(English isn’t my first language, I don’t know the word for that thing they put in you to make you alive but not awake during surgeries)

If it is relevant, it is for a breast lift. But would it be the same case for most surgeries? And then what about leg surgeries where you can’t stand?

Thank you!

In: Biology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you’re opened, your blood is exposed to the air and can start clotting. If a clot moves to a thin enough vein then it can block the flow completely and cause severe issues. These thinner veins can be found more in the extremities of your legs/feet. Walking around is kind of like shaking a bottle of ketchup to help liquefy it and to help breakup any small clots before they become a problem

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