Why is it possible to flex my muscles without moving my joints. E.g hold my fingers open and flex my forearm muscles


Why is it possible to flex my muscles without moving my joints. E.g hold my fingers open and flex my forearm muscles

In: 2

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Muscles only exert usable force when they contract, pulling two anchor points closer together. This is fine for moving a joint one direction but if you want it to go back you will need a second muscle.

If both of these opposing muscles are contracted in unison then they can balance out, not moving the joint at all. This is how you can contract a muscle without movement.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Every joint has at least two muscles, one for pulling it one way and another for pulling it the other way. Flexing muscles just contracts both of these muscles at once, they pull in opposite directions so the joint doesn’t move.