Why is it rare for people to retire young from inheritance after their parents pass away?


Not retiring young in the sense of just quitting their jobs, but if someone has been saving for their own retirement already, then their parents pass away, shouldn’t it be pretty common for a lot of that inheritance to pass down to them? But it seems like most people still struggle to save enough to retire even if their parents have passed on.

What is the reason most people don’t retire at 55 or 60 assuming their parents have passed on by then? Do people not usually save enough for interest to cover a lot of the spending?

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8 Answers

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“live on for the rest of their lives” is a different time scale for the parents compared to the children. Living on X for 10-20 years is different than 30-40 years. If they die 10 years into their retirement, that leaves them (for example) 10 more years of assets. Pass that onto someone in their 40’s, it only works if the children die in their 50’s.

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