: Why is it recommended to have 8 hours of sleep when sleep cycles happen every 90 minutes, wouldn’t waking up at 8 hours be in the middle of your cycle?


I’ve learnt a little about sleep cycles and remember that every 90 minutes is when we move through the 5 stages of sleep, but I’ve also heard it’s recommended to have 8 hours of sleep. Wouldn’t that make you feel drowsy if you’re interrupting the sleep cycle when you wake up after 8 hours?

In: Other

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I took a few courses on sleep in college and as others are saying here, 8 hours is just a nice catchphrase for an average persons time in bed.

You’re right that you do want to wake up naturally at the end of a cycle, but sleep isn’t just constant cycles after another. Depending on what’s going on with you personally it takes time to fall asleep, transition from stage 1 to stage 2, how many REM cycles your body needs, if you’ve been sleep deprived, etc..

For example I know 7 and a half hours is ideal for me, but during times that I’m sleep deprived that number shifts.

In the end, “8 hours” is just a generic term, not a real recommendation. You should ideally just let your body wake up when it will, and track how long you as an individual tend to sleep for

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