Why is it recommended to warm up motorcycle engine before using it?


I don’t know if this is the case for cars since i don’t have one. But driving a warmed up motorcycle is definitely a lot better than just driving it straight away

In: Engineering

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The short version is that things get stiff and clammy when they’re cold: The fuel is more sludge-like, the oil is a little less viscous, the mechanical cams and valves in the engine itself stick a little bit, and so on. Allowing the engine to warm first helps it operate more smoothly, consistently, and handle the load of propelling the motorcycle more gracefully.

EDIT: This is also because metals expand as they warm up. The engine’s parts are engineered to fit best at running temperature, so you get best performance (and reliability) if you let the parts expand to their “running” size before putting any load on them.

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