Why is it safe to light (automobile) gasoline in camping stoves, but pouring it on a bonfire and lighting it causes an explosion?


I’ve watched tons of YouTube videos where people pour gasoline onto bonfires and cause explosions ([here’s one such example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbisRaEfsOY)).

But there are camping stoves you can buy (e.g. [this one]
(https://youtu.be/F0C2FepNBMA?t=279)), where you can fill it up with the same type of gasoline and you set these on fire and no explosion.

Why is one so dangerous and explosive and the other not?

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The stove controls the flow of the fuel, when you dump it all of the fuel and fuel vapor can ignite rapidly.

for eli5 it’s like pouring out a bucket of water vs using a squirt gun. The squirt gun holds water just like the bucket, but it only lets a tiny amount of gas out at a time.

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